
For Use/Numen

String Prototype, Vienna 2014

Numen/For Use is a design collective working in the fields of scenography, industrial and spatial design and conceptual art.

The group first formed in 1998. as a collaborative effort of industrial designers Sven Jonke, Christoph Katzler and Nikola Radeljković under the banner For Use.
In 1999. they establish Numen as a collective identity covering all projects actualised outside the sphere of industrial design.
String Prototype is a prototype of a self supporting inhabitable social sculpture.
The installation is based on production system of large geometric inflated objects. Since the physical behavior of fluids tend to make all inflates spherical, thin parallel ropes are tied on opposite sides of the volume, keeping them parallel to one another. Filigree interiors of this technically invented system are never exposed to public.

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