Marina Abramović & Ulay
Legendary couple in performance art – Marina Abramović and Ulay (who died on 2 March 2020) – lived together for 12 years and made pioneering work as a duo. In this extraordinary double interview the artists looks back on their relationship – from their first meeting in 1975 until the end.
Abramović and Ulay met for the first time in Amsterdam in 1975 on their shared birthday. Abramović was fascinated by Ulay’s looks – dressed as half man, half woman – and recalls the German photographer as a “self-made man,” interested in transgender and living a very free life. In turn, Ulay remembers the young Serbian performance artist “as very much fatal,” having an “enormous Balkanesque temperament and stamina.” He tended to her wounds after she had cut a five-point star onto her stomach for the work ‘Lips of Thomas’ (1975), and the two artists fell in love and soon after decided to live and work together.

+ Louisiana Channel
David Arky
David Arky is best known for his still life, conceptual and x-ray photography. He loves to create clean, crisp photographs with an eye to simplifying objects to their elemental qualities, depicting their form and texture.
He studied photography at the Art Center College of Design and Rochester Institute of Technology. (...)
+ David Arky's website
+ David Arky's Facebook Page

Federico Babina
How to reinterpret the language of the "known" artist in his "known" architectural style.The very talented Italian architect and illustrator Federico Babina has just released his latest project: ARCHIPORTRAIT a series made of 33 portraits of famous architects in which the faces and the expressions are made of their architectural styles.
+ Federico Babina's website


Retour aux sources / Back to basics (2020)
Toile, mixte, 162 x 150 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 63/8 x 59 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Souleimane Barry
“ Figuratif imaginaire ”
10 SEPT–31 OCT, 2020
10 SEPT–31 OCT, 2020
Souleimane Barry est un artiste peintre et musicien burkinabé qui vit et travaille entre la France et le Burkina Faso.
Empreint du souvenir des paysages de la région de son enfance, Bobo-Dioulasso (capitale économique du pays), des individus qu’il croise et a croisé, il retransmet leurs lumières, leurs visages et couleurs à travers ses peintures empreintes d’émotion combative, à la frontière entre l’imaginaire et le réel. Chacune est une histoire.
Dans « La Marche des Hommes » et « Visage Anonymes », il évoque différentes thématiques, en gardant toujours l’être humain au centre de son œuvre. Des questions de frontière, de migration, de territoire et d’identité qui touchent les populations appartenant à son pays et continent, animent son travail.
Ses techniques oscillent entre l’utilisation de pigments naturels, d’ocre, et d’acrylique, ou encore du collage apportant relief et texture à ses œuvres. Ses couleurs chaudes, vivantes, ses gestes libres, nous attachent le regard et nous entraînent à plonger dans ses histoires.
Sur sa page Instagram, il fait vivre ses peintures et le cheminement de sa création au grés d’une musique aux sonorités folk qu’il compose, redonnant mouvement, âme et singularité à ces caractères.
Souleimane Barry is a painter and musician from Burkina Faso who now lives and works between France and his home country.
Inspired by the landscapes’ memories of the region where he grew up of Bobo-Dioulasso (the economic capital), of the individuals he meets and met, he retransmits their lights, their faces and colors through his paintings imprinted with combative emotion, on the edge between the imaginary and the real. Each one is a story.
In his latest series "La Marche des Hommes" and "Visages Anonymes", he evokes different themes, always keeping the human being at the center of his work. Border, migration, territory and identity issues that affect the populations belonging to his country and continent, drive his work.
His techniques oscillate between the use of natural pigments, ocher, and acrylic, or even collage, bringing relief and texture to his works. His warm, lively colors, his free gestures, catch our eye and lead us to dive into his stories.
On his Instagram page, he brings his paintings and the journey of his creation to life through a self-composed music with folk tones, giving movement, soul, uniqueness, life to these figures. June I.
+ souleimane.com
+ instagram.com/barry_souleiman ︎
Selected Works

La Flêche / The Arrow (2019)
Toile, tech mixte, 142 x 140 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 55/9 x 55/1 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 142 x 140 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 55/9 x 55/1 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Autour du Globe / Around the world (2019)
Toile, tech mixte, 130 x 160 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 51/2 x 63 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 130 x 160 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 51/2 x 63 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Marionnette / Puppets (2019)
Toile, tech mixte, 132 x 180 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 52 x 70/9 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 132 x 180 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 52 x 70/9 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Résistance / Resistance (2019)
Toile, tech mixte, 142 x 193 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 55/9 x 75/9 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 142 x 193 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 55/9 x 75/9 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Tirer vers... / Pull toward (2019)
Toile, tech mixte, 132 x 140 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 52 x 55/1 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 132 x 140 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 52 x 55/1 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Spontaneité n°1 / Spontaneity n°1 (2019)
Acrylique sur papier, 30 x42 cm / Paper, acrylic, 11/8 x 16/5 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Acrylique sur papier, 30 x42 cm / Paper, acrylic, 11/8 x 16/5 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Spontaneité n°2 / Spontaneity n°2 (2019)
Acrylique sur papier, 52 x 52 cm / Paper, acrylic, 20/5 x 20/5 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Acrylique sur papier, 52 x 52 cm / Paper, acrylic, 20/5 x 20/5 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Visage anonyme n°1 / Anonymous face n°1 (2019)
Acrylique sur papier, 50 x 61 cm / Paper, acrylic, 19/6 x 24 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Acrylique sur papier, 50 x 61 cm / Paper, acrylic, 19/6 x 24 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Visage anonyme bleu n°2 / Blue anonymous face n°2 (2020)
Toile, tech mixte, 61 x 50 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 24 x 19/7 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 61 x 50 cm / Canvas, mixed media, 24 x 19/7 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

L’Écoute / Listening (2020)
Toile, tech mixte, 92 x 65 cm / Canvas, mixed media 36/2 x 25/6 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 92 x 65 cm / Canvas, mixed media 36/2 x 25/6 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.

Poumons en papillon / Buttrfly lungs (2020)
Toile, tech mixte, 98 x 67 cm / Paper, acrylic, 38/6 x 26/4 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Toile, tech mixte, 98 x 67 cm / Paper, acrylic, 38/6 x 26/4 in.
© Souleimane Barry. Courtesy of the artist.
Julie Berranger
La Femme Orchestre
Julie Berranger started her video work within the realms of contemporary art. Her video “O Homem Espelho” was first shown by La fondation Cartier in Paris and then bought by Brazil’s greatest art collector, Gilberto Chateaubriand. It is now part of his permanent collection at Rio’s Museum of Modern Art.
Back in Paris, she has since collaborated with german designersTalbot Runhof, the Eickhof department Store, or Krug, the famous LVMH champagne house.
Shall we dance in the light of your soul
Shall we part in the colors of mine
This is a song we never wrote
This is a place I chose for you
There, with all the butterflies, and the blue beats of my memories
There and for always in my heart
by Timai
Julie Berranger on Vimeo.