
Peter Beard

A legend out of Africa

Young described by Bob Colacello as “half-Tarzan, half-Byron” or a "visionary artist" by Sir Mick Jagger, Peter Beard found in love with the Africa by the 1960’s. Known for his signature, combining photographs, text from his daily journals and related found objects, sometimes blood or his own blood, he was a pioneering contemporary artist who was decades ahead of his time in his efforts to sound the alarm about environmental damage. His visual acuity and elemental understanding of the natural environment was fostered by his long stays in the bush and the “wild-deer-ness” he loved and defended.


 is a visual collection of Art stories: 
Photo, Cinema, ShortArt.s, Dance

At the beginning it was the idea of building a small arts library. Then, little by little, the commitment to share it.
Choice, preference, ignorance, evidence, all assumed.
A desire to discover, an encouragement to remember. Sometimes.

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Video La Salamandre (1971)  Alain Tanner, Bulle Ogier
shotnlust copyright © All rights reserved.